Day 219: Tale As Old As Time

Not in a beautiful canary yellow gown, but onto an ambulance, headed straight to the emergency department at the hospital (yet again).

What is it this time you ask? Well, this time my sinuses decided to act up on me, causing me severe pain. Of course stubborn ol’ me thinks, this will pass. Bring on the paracetamol and codeine! That is, until I find myself struggling to breathe, or even keep my eyes open for five minutes. But not to worry, this too shall pass because the mind is strong. Mind over body, right? That is, until I find myself vomiting and stuck to my bed with a temperature of 38.6°C that just won’t lift.

So yes, here I am again in this familiar establishment, thinking how did I end up here again.


Ah.. don’t you just love the view?

They’ve dosed me with the usual concoction of antibiotics, that has successfully managed the fevers (thank You, Jesus!). In addition to that, the cytomegalovirus (CMV) has flared up again and my blood counts are plummeting. With all of this happening, I feel like we have waltzed back to square one.

The major lessons learnt here are: (1) No travelling (2) Stop being so gee darn stubborn and get help straight away the moment you feel unwell! You are really in no position to negotiate when you are an immunosuppressed wreck.

That being said, it was definitely worth the risk when I managed to get away for a short weekend for my nephew’s first birthday! I probably caught a bug on the plane trip back to Singapore, but I just could not resist being a part of this once in a lifetime occasion. My grandmother from Korea came all the way to celebrate too! My spirits were definitely lifted, being surrounded by love and family.



Struggling to keep my eyes open through the sinusitis. Oops, lots of pollen around!


Baby Jaycob’s First Birthday Celebration!


Love and family. So totally worth it.


If you haven’t already, meet me at the beginning: