The Waiting Game

At this stage, I’ve been told to wait and see. Wait and see how my condition progresses while getting blood transfusions when I need them. My haemoglobin level tends to stay afloat for about 3 weeks before I get dizzy, pale and in need of another transfusion. But my platelets haven’t been very kind to me. I need a platelet transfusion every 7-10 days. I can’t blame them because they do have a short lifespan (It’s okay, platelets!).

Meanwhile, I’m preparing myself for what is to come. If I do get a transplant, I will need to undergo intensive chemotherapy, to remove the abnormal cells before I receive brand new stem cells! This tells me that I will lose my hair. I’ve never ever cut my hair short nor shaved my head. I want to take photos and lots of them! Before I start looking different. They say the 20’s is your primetime (or is it 30 now?). I don’t know, but better safe than sorry right?

Darren Bee Bee Hi Res-0093

My partner Darren and I, photographed by our good friends Bianca and Jian


If you haven’t already, meet me at the beginning: